
My motivation and interest in participating in a summer research program has been kindled by both an intense interest in science and helping others as well as my background.  I grew up in Sudan and have only recently moved to the United States with my family (in 2015).  As a young man in Sudan, I attended schools where science programs were weak, but my interest in learning was strong.  My parents have understood the importance of education even though they had to sacrifice their own education to provide for me and my siblings, which involved moving many times when I was young.  In 2015, we were given the chance to come to the United States.  Now in a land filled with opportunities and possibilities, I am extremely motivated to make the most of my education and give back to my family and others.  Since I came from a land in which I personally witnessed young people dying from the lack of food, water, and vaccinations, I am compelled to do whatever I can to alleviate pain and suffering.  At this point in my life, I am most interested in becoming a physician pursing MD/PhD.